About us

Our history


HOSPISOFT began in 2015 when Aymard DJADCHIN, inspired to improve the medical system, created a solution just one year after earning his engineering degree. Despite challenges, Aymard assembled a team and worked tirelessly from his small apartment. By 2018, he left his job to focus on Hospisoft, officially registering Universal Software. Initially, they funded their project through other IT services, and their first client in 2018 allowed them to stabilize and enhance Hospisoft. Success in competitions helped expand their business, improve their product, and grow their client base.

Our mission

At Hospisoft, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare. Our mission is to :

  • Revolutionize healthcare management through innovative technology solutions. We are committed to empowering healthcare providers with cutting-edge HMS tools that streamline administrative tasks, enhance operational efficiency, and ultimately improve patient care outcomes.
  • Democratize healthcare through telehealth solutions that bridge the gap between patients and providers, enabling convenient, timely, and personalized care from anywhere, at any time.

We are committed to providing both patients and healthcare providers with the tools they need to improve health outcomes and build a healthier future for all.


Our vision

Nurse in videocall listening to doctor

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Nos valeurs

Lorem cupidatat id eu eiusmod et culpa cillum nostrud deserunt velit culpa. Magna deserunt commodo laborum et officia. Commodo labore amet commodo elit. Occaecat laborum sunt aliqua aliquip veniam velit qui aliquip laboris ullamco velit velit. Enim tempor do incididunt labore incididunt veniam pariatur consectetur pariatur consequat. Consequat dolore laborum exercitation cupidatat do officia incididunt non sunt elit cupidatat sunt velit sit. Aute ad commodo deserunt enim.
